Contenidos de prueba Escrita y oral Ingles I (Viña y santiago)

Estimados Alumnos: Aqui les dejo los contenidos a evaluar en la segunda prueba escrita y oral (no olvidar que la prueba oral es formal)

- To be (present and past)
- Present simple and continuous
- past simple tense
- All tenses in affirmative, negative and interrogative.
- Time expressions in all tenses
- Unit 3 and 5
- Colours
- demonstratives (This/That/These and Those)
- Prices.
- One/ Ones.
- Materials.
- Clothes.
- Comparatives and superlatives
- Adverbs (ly)
- Family members.
- All verbs ( regulars and Irregulars)
- Adjectives order.
-Reading activity.
_ listening activity.